
Fennel grows in southern Europe and is widely cultivated throughout the U.S and Great Britain. The anise-tasting feathery leaves are a familiar sight in California, where a variety of fennel grows wild. At AH Juice we use the herb almost daily in the juices. Most of the year we get it from our local growers, but in the springtime we love to harvest it from the wild because of its ultra- intense flavor and the extra mineral and nutrient content found in the wild plant.
The herb contains Histidine which stimulates production of hemoglobin & other components of blood. This is great for treating anemia. Fennel also helps with indigestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices, reducing inflammation of the intestines and aiding in the absorption of nutrients from food.
The delicious herb is very popular as an anti- flatulent because of its aspartic acid, which expels gases from the stomach. It has anti-oxidants, vitamin C and amino acids like arginine, which are very beneficial for rejuvenation of tissues & preventing aging. Fennel is a diuretic, increasing urination and toxin removal. Lastly, for lactating mothers, it increases milk production, and the milk is an anti-flatulent for infants.